*All perspective residents will follow the same application process.
1. Fill out and sign the rental application, the security deposit agreement, lease agreement, rules & regulations, Lead Paint and Meth disclosures at the same appointment.
2. An Application Fee of $35.00 per Adult (Person 18 years or older) will be collected in CASH ONLY.
3. ALL persons 18 years and older will fill out an application and be listed on the lease as legally responsible person EXCEPT in the case of a student still in high school and about to graduate/leave for collage within 11 months. If they are staying in the unit and not going to college after graduation, they are to be listed in Provision #1 of the Lease Agreement as legally responsible person and will fill out the application.
4. The security deposit will be collected for the full amount at the time of application. This will remove the property from the active showing market. A personal check, bank check or money order will be accepted made out to Pedigree Management.
Other than Application Fee
Information needed to make application:
Social Security card for everyone who will be living in the unit, including children. If the card has been lost then provide the written documentation from the Social Security Administration of filing for a new one. (These will be photo copied for the file)
A VALID PHOTO state driver’s license or state Id for everyone living in the unit 18 years of age or older. (These will be photocopied for the file)
Current telephone number, cell telephone number and/or contact number.
Current address, Present Landlord Name and current telephone number and move in and out dates. The amount you pay for rent.
Minimum of One Previous Address, Previous Landlord Name and current telephone number and move in and out dates.
Current email address.
Birth dates of all children living in the unit.
If you have a pet you will need to provide on letterhead form a letter from your veterinarian showing the description of the animal, weight, age, if they are current on shots and current license with the city. (All animals also need to meet other written criteria that can be provided if needed)
Current Employer Name, address, telephone number, Supervisor name and phone number, your position in the company and how long you have worked there.
Gross household income for the past two month. Provide copies of the last two months pay check stubs that can be kept in your file for proof of income. We will keep the copies. Approval based on gross income being at least four (4) times the amount of rent.
List of current obligations and what you pay on them each month.
The name of you bank and address of bank.
Two Personal references. Name, address, current telephone number and number of years known. These cannot be employers or relatives.
Emergency contact person Name, current address, current telephone number, relationship to you.
Vehicle information: Make, Model, Year, License plate number and Color of your current vehicle.
You will be asked if you have ever been convicted of a felony. You will be asked to explain if the answer is YES.
You will be asked if you or a member of your household as ever been asked to leave a property or been evicted from a property. You will be asked to explain if the answer is YES.
Should you feel you have credit issues or have filed for bankruptcy or divorce in the last 12 months and you feel that has effected your credit rating please bring a copy of the appropriate papers with you for your file and to be left at time of application. You will not receive those copies back.
A PDF copy of this process can be downloaded here